Kunstzentrum Heute offen von 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Restaurant Heute offen von 09:30 bis 18:00 Uhr

The Green Film Festival comes to Fondation Opale to screen short films, to present the book „Glaces“ followed by a discussion with the author and a glaciologist, and finally to screen the feature film „Les initiés“ accompanied by a discussion.


  • 10 am : PERDRE LE BLEU | Short film by Leanne Allison, 16 min, 2023, screened continuously from 10am to 2pm
  • 2 pm : GLACIERS, SENTINELLES DU CLIMAT | Talk by photographer Jean-François Delhom and glaciologist Amédée Zryd. Jean-François Delhom is the author of GLACE, DANS LE VENTRE DES GLACIERS, Editions Favre, 2023. Amédée Zryd is the author of LES GLACIERS EN MOUVEMENT. LA POPULATION DES ALPRES FACE AUX CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2008. The authors will be signing their books at the end of the talk.
  • 6 pm : LA TOISON DORT | Short film in the presence of directors Marion Police and Hugo Cousino, followed by a screening of the feature film LES INITIÉS, 62 min, 2023: On the mountainside, men, women and animals live together. Some look after others, look after them, feed them. At the heart of all these activities is death, the killing that has been hushed up and that some no longer want to keep quiet about. Screening followed by a discussion with Colas Gorce, the film’s director, and Claire Jeannerat, a goat farmer from Mollens.

Screenings: CHF 11 per person | Support price: CHF 20 per person | Kids (up to 12 y.o.): CHF 5
Combined ticket exhibition HIGH FIVE! + screenings : CHF 18 per person | Kids (up to 12 y.o.) CHF 5

Booking: info@fondationopale.ch or 027 483 46 10

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06.04.2025, 10:30 - 12:00
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13.03.2025, 18:30 - 20:00
Cellist Gautier Capuçon will perform with three young laureates from his foundation: Martina Consonni, Sarah Jégou-Sageman and Anna Sypniewski.
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19.03.2025, 14:30 - 16:00
Fondation Opale organises two creative workshops for kids per month, in relation with the exhibition NOTHING TOO BEAUTIFUL FOR THE GODS
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06.04.2025, 10:30 - 12:00
Fondation Opale organises two creative workshops for kids per month, in relation with the exhibition NOTHING TOO BEAUTIFUL FOR THE GODS
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